

Deep Learning with Python (2nd Edition) by Francois Chollet

This is nice and friendly book who needs hands on experience for training various network architectures. The book uses tensorflow2 and keras api of tensorflow2. The book doesn't cover in detail theoretical background of deep learning. Hence if you do not have strong mathematical background the book may feel like skipping a lot, and you may have hard time implementing things on your own. If you have experience in deep learning, but have hard time setting up the architecture, training the model, loading the data etc. This book is for you.

Learn Cpp

This website is one of the best learning resource for C++, especially for beginners. It has a nice Q/A section at the end of each page and Alex and nascardriver do their best to answer questions there. The website not only covers the semantics of the C++; it also mentions common pitfalls, best practices, etc. I think even if one is proficient in C++, still there is a lot to learn from this website. However, covering all the website may be really time consuming and hard, I know I did :) One can use website as a reference also. It has nice indexing and search functionality.


This is the website of the Standford Course "CS231n Convolutional Neural Network for Visual Recognition". It is best introduction to deep learning course out there. It clearly explains the basics and theory. Nothing will feel like magic or missing. You will be ready to do neural network tasks with confidence.

C++ Tutorial

This website is a tutorial website for teaching C++ to beginners. These tutorials are not as verbose as Learn Cpp tutorials. If C++ is not your first language or if you are generally familiar with programming concepts, this website is practical and fast way to gain C++ skills.


Kalman Filter

Tracking algorithms are used to track targets, smooth out noisy signals, calculate likelihood of an observation and other countless applications. The chances you need to implement, use, apply a tracking algorithm for your case is quite high in your career. This tutorial is a very good starting point to understand what tracking (filtering) algorithms do.