Hi, I'm Mustafa Akur. I received my B.Sc. from Boğaziçi University in the Electrical and Electronics Engineering department in Istanbul, Turkey. Currently, I am a Ph.D. student at CEDAR, OHSU. My research mainly focuses on the application of computer vision for medical image diagnosis. Before starting my Ph.D., I was a software developer at Synnada, where I primarily worked on the open-source Apache DataFusion project (an extensible query engine with columnar data storage). My contributions to the project can be found on this page. Prior to that, I worked at ASELSAN (a defense industry firm in Turkey). At ASELSAN, I worked on Machine Learning, Signal Processing, and real-time data processing. You can view my github page on akurmustafa. During my work at Synnada, I used mustafasrepo for my job. You can find my resume here for more details about my work history. You can also find my contact information at this link.
I enjoy movies, and I occasionally rate them. You can find my Letterboxd account here. The same goes for books—you can find my Goodreads account here.