
Hi, I'm Mustafa Akur. I received my B.Sc. from Boğaziçi University, Electrical-Electronics Engineering department at Istanbul, Turkey. I am a software developer at Synnada. Previously I was at ASELSAN (defense industry firm in Turkey) I work on Machine Learning, Signal Processing, Stream processing tasks. At Synnada, we are building unified query processing engine (for batch and streaming use cases) by extending capabilities of Apache Datafusion. I mainly use RUST, C++, Python to do my daily tasks. You can see my public repositories using this link. My work repo is mustafasrepo. You can find my resume here to see more detail about my work history. At this link you can find my contact information.

I like movies, sometimes I rate them, occasionally I even review them. You can see my letterboxd account here. Same thing goes for books. You can find my goodreads account here.